I've long since given up on saving up for the balenciaga bag. At the moment, I just can't justify spending 1k+ on a bag. The Roan bag, by knox is significantly more in my price range, but still expensive for a broke student ($600).
On the other hand, I'm in dire need of a sturdy, functional everyday bag. And this bag is just so damn sexy. Hm.
ive had a knox bag for a few years now and they are really beautiful bags - well made, high quality leather - id definitely say go for it!
Oh I love it! It seems like a great every day bag. Just think of the price-per-wear thing - if you wear it every day for a year, it would cost less than $2 a day... or something like that?
I have these kinds of dilemmas a lot. The bag is beautiful...What I have learn once I own and wear the bag then I forget about how much I spent. It will be worth it once you get to wear that bag all the time.
I love that bag. I think I need a grown up bag.
Love Grace.
hahah i've been in love with this bag for over a year now. *sigh
It's gorgeous! If you know that you're going to use it tons, I say go for it.
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